Essential SEO Toolkit (SEO Analysis Tool)
更新日期:2020 年 4 月 4 日分类标签:开发者利器平台:没限制
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Essential SEO Toolkit (SEO Analysis Tool) 插件安装教程:
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Essential SEO Toolkit (SEO Analysis Tool) 插件简介:
This is v2 (see new features listed below) of the Essential SEO Toolkit is a free of charge collection of useful SEO tools, which when clicked opens the tool using the current URL. The SEO tools and resources included are ones which we believe Web Developers, SEO professionals and Marketers may find useful. The toolkit consists of a range of tools, any of which when clicked, the tool opens will open a new tab and pass the current URL to the tool for quick and easy viewing of data for the given website.
Toolkit Installation process
Install the SEO Toolkit, by following these easy steps:
1) Click the “Add to Chrome” button
2) On the next screen, click the “Add Extension” button
3) A message will then be displayed saying “The Essential SEO Toolkit has successfully been added to Chrome”
4) That’s it, the extension is now available and ready to use!
The tools included are split into five groups and cover various areas of SEO and social media. These tools can be accessed by clicking the radio button next to the tool name:
1) SEO & Traffic Analysis
General intelligence tools with a traffic emphasis, but also other features too:
a) Alexa – analyse your own / competitors’ traffic with a full suite of SEO tools
b) SERanking – an SEO suite with 35+ internal tools to analyse traffic & other SEO areas
c) SEMRush – a powerful intelligence suite for SEO, PPC, social media & video research
2) Speed Analysis
A range of tools designed to provide opportunities to increase website speed/performance:
a) Pingdom Tools – monitor the speed, performance & availability of a website
b) GT Metrix – analyse a page’s speed performance, see scores with PageSpeed & YSlow
c) Google PageSpeed Insights – PageSpeed score & suggestions direct from Google
3) Website & SEO Auditing
Audit tools which will often identify many areas of possible improvements for websites:
a) WooRank – review your website & identify keywords with the WooRank SEO checker
b) Nibbler (Silktide) – testing tool for accessibility, SEO, social media & other compliance
c) SEOptimer – a tool which analyses & grades a website, showing areas of improvement
d) SiteChecker – 100+ parameters audit report, includes metadata, images, links, etc.
4) Backlinks Analysis
Analyse backlinks for your own and competitor websites with this range of tools:
a) Majestic – a suite of link intelligence tools for SEO and digital marketing
b) Ahrefs – SEO toolset includes backlinks, competitor analysis, keyword research, etc.
c) Moz Link Explorer – a set of link analysis and competitor research tools from Moz
5) Social Signals
Tools which provide fast insights into the amounts of social shares of a URL:
a) Social Shares Count Checker – track the social media shares for a URL in seconds
b) Count Checker – shows # of shares, likes & comments for many social media sites
** WHAT’S NEW in V 2.0? **
1. A Facelift – Firstly, the tool has a fresh facelift and a more modern UX:
2. Settings panel – We now have a cog symbol in the top right hand corner which will load a settings panel. Here you can add your own categories and tools which will be saved and shown when ever you use the Essential SEO Toolkit. PLEASE NOTE – these settings will only save for you locally and will not impact other users of the Google Chrome extension.
3. Add Your Own Tool – If you are the vendor of an online tool which you feel will be useful, you can make suggestions for your own tool to be added to our extension by clicking the ‘Add Your Own Tool’ button.
4. Essential new tools – We’ve added the following new categories and SEO tools:
User Experience
Check various user-experience related aspects of your website or web page:
a) Google Mobile-Friendly Test – a tool which will reports on whether your URL passes Google’s mobile-friendly test
b) Responsinator – a related tool, which shows how your URL will actually appear on different devices and screen resolutions so you can quickly check how a user will see your page or post
c) Think With Google Test – this reports on a range of aspects of your URL in particular relating to page speed metrics and load times
Technical SEO
Tools to assess various factors related to technical SEO (on-site SEO) including your content and markup:
a) Copyscape Duplicate Content Checker – a tool to check whether you URL contains any content duplicated from elsewhere on Web
b Google Structured Data Testing Tool – evaluate your code to check for opportunities to add structured data and rich snippets
c) Siteliner Crawler – assess the internal content of your site for duplicate content, broken links and more
d) XML Sitemap Generator – automatically generate an XML sitemap for your domain
Reasons to download the tool
Here are some of the main reasons to download the Essential SEO toolkit:
• Convenience – find all your favourite tools in one convenient browser extension
• Free – the tool is totally free of charge
• New tools – learn about new tools in the toolkit and additional ones as they are added
• Quick installation – the installing process is just a few clicks and takes 2-3 minutes
• Quick removal – if you decide to no longer use the toolkit, remove it in two minutes
• Reduced bookmarking – free up some bookmarks, by storing favourite sites here
• Save time – the tools included will save you a lot of time on day to day analysis tasks
Frequently asked questions about our tool:
Why is the tool supplied for free?
There is no actual direct cost to Opace of making this tool available, so we are happy to release it free of charge as many organisations do with open source software. As a business, we do benefit from the tool as we use this ourselves every day at work!
Do you ever upgrade/modify the tool?
We do plan to upgrade the tool from time to time. When we do we will make the new version available here and update this page with additional information.
Can I suggest additional tools to be added to the toolkit?
Absolutely, yes. If you have any additional tools, which you feel would be good to add please email us at info@opace.co.uk and we will certainly consider them for a future version of the toolkit. For any new tools to be added though, they would need to add extra value over and above our existing tools.
What browsers is the toolkit available on?
Currently the toolkit is only available for Google Chrome (as this is the browser Opace work with), but we may add the toolkit to other browsers in the future. Watch this space!
Are all of the tools totally free to use?
Many of the tools are totally free to use. Some of the tools have a restriction on use and require an upgrade to remove restrictions. A few tools are subscription only, but usually have a free trial period to test the product in day to day use.
Please note: Opace Ltd are not affiliated with any of these tools. Some may require account creation in order to access the data and others may require you to copy your URL into their search bar.
Last updated: 1st April 2020
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