PopUpOFF – Popup and overlay blocker
PopUpOFF 是一个优秀的非商业开源插件,让你完全掌控网页内容,屏蔽恼人的弹窗、cookie 通知和其他干扰,让你的上网体验变得更加轻松愉快!
更新日期:2023 年 8 月 10 日分类标签:高效工作与计划平台:没限制
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PopUpOFF – Popup and overlay blocker 插件安装教程:
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PopUpOFF – Popup and overlay blocker 插件简介:
Hey! Have you seen the terrific rating above? You must be wondering: “Is it finally a good popup blocker? Should I try it?” Do read the text below to find out if that’s something you’d like to give a try.
So, answering your questions: “No and Yes” – it isn’t some “good” popup blocker. PopUpOFF is brilliant: https://github.com/RomanistHere/PopUpOFF/issues/16 – and you should definitely try it if you are as annoyed with popups, cookie notifications, overlays and other sticky things that overlay content as I do.
– PopUpOFF doesn’t just block some popups that other developers paid for, but YOU are in control of it. You decide not to have any single overlay on the screen or casually remove only the most annoying things (hi cookie notifications and subscription popups).
– You can unlock and read PAID content FOR FREE on some websites (see the video above).
– Size of this extension is 100 times less than any other average popup blocker in the store. Size doesn’t matter? Well… I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
– PopUpOFF is a non-commercial and open-source project. It means no ads, no tracking, everything it has is available for you for free and forever. I am RomanistHere and I’m giving you this piece of better web.
– It still is in development, so there could be bugs or imperfect solutions, I’m working on it solo and there are other things in the world to do. So be gentle, I created it for myself back then, but now I’m doing it for you.
– PopUpOFF is as addictive as it gets. After you start using it, there would be no way back. You were warned 🙂
Sounds interesting? Go get it. Write “hello” to me, share the feedback. Check what else I’m doing. There are probably other pieces of better web. Be cool, be gentle, help me make the world better. Not saying goodbye. Have a better life now 🙂
Useful links:
GitHub (tech description): https://github.com/RomanistHere/PopUpOFF
Changelog: https://popupoff.org/changelog
Stay updated on my projects: https://twitter.com/RomanistHere
Donate: https://popupoff.org/#donate
PopUpOFF – Popup and overlay blocker 插件ID:
PopUpOFF – Popup and overlay blocker 插件最新版本: