Download Master – Free Download Manager
“Download Master”可以让您一键下载网页上的所有图片、视频、PDF、文档及其他文件,轻松管理浏览器下载内容,尽享便利与高效。
更新日期:2023 年 1 月 29 日分类标签:无障碍贴心助手平台:没限制
210KiB 50000 人已下载"> 手机查看
Download Master – Free Download Manager 插件安装教程:
扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)
Download Master – Free Download Manager 插件简介:
With this extension you can download all images, videos, pdf, doc and any other file linked on the web page you are visiting. You can choose specific set of files or use the filters to choose all files of the same type in a single click. “Download Master” helps you to download them all in one click and easily manage the files in browser’s Downloads tab.
★★★ How to use “Download Master” to manage downloads in Google Chrome:
1. Filter based on files type:
Our extension will display files type of the site you visit to let you filter to download only specific file type of that website
2. Custom filter:
If file types filter is not enough, you can filter the file based on the characters you filter for the link to download.
3. Display options:
The default setting is not “Show all links” which means we will hide the file types that not to be downloaded often like html and instead show the regularly downloaded file types like mp3, pdf, png, jpeg… Another option you can select is “Show file size”, which let you know the size of each file in the website you visit. This will help you know the size in advance to choose which file to download.
✔ Restart browser or refresh all tabs after installation.
✔ We care about our users, with the extension “Download Master”, you get FREE download manager for your browser. We do our best to support all filetypes & all kind of websites. Thus we literally need your support to continue development and maintain the extension. Please Rate the extension, Share it and Donate. Thank you!
★★★ Terms and Conditions
Use “Download Master” at your own risk, it comes with no warranty or guarantee, neither explicit or implicit towards functionality or usability. The author shall not be held liable for any damage or loss of data caused by its use. By downloading and installing “Download Master”, you agree to these terms.
Abide by Google Terms of Service, the extension does not enable unauthorized access or download of copyrighted content or media on some websites (such as YouTube). Do not use “Download Master” to download copyrighted content or media, the extension only works in case you’re allowed to download the files and the webmaster lists them as downloadable links in the webpage you visit.
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