Enhanced GitHub
增强的 GitHub Chrome 扩展程序为 GitHub 网站提供了实用功能,使您能够更轻松地管理和下载文件,包括查看各个文件的大小和直接复制内容。
更新日期:2024 年 6 月 3 日分类标签:开发者利器平台:没限制
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Enhanced GitHub 插件安装教程:
扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)
Enhanced GitHub 插件简介:
Extension that provides useful features on top of GitHub Website.
1. Displays repo size.
2. Displays each file size in every active branch (not applicable for folder / symlink)
3. Show download link for each individual file (not applicable for folder / symlink)
4. Copy file’s contents directly to Clipboard (just won’t work for markdown files)
5. Download file
7. Coming soon…please suggest by opening an issue on https://github.com/softvar/enhanced-github/issues
Enhanced GitHub Chrome Extension doesn’t collect/share/care about your data at all.
Asks for GitHub Access Token only for private repos and if Rate Limiting is your concern.
1. “*://*.github.com/*” – for running on github.com domain.
2. storage – for storing GitHub access token on your local system. GitHub Access token is required for private repos and for handling API rate-limiting issues.
3. webRequest – to support GitHub being a single-page-application now.
4. webNavigation – to support GitHub being a single-page-application now.
Read the detailed blog to support SPA and for requesting permissions #3 and #4 – https://medium.com/@softvar/making-chrome-extension-smart-by-supporting-spa-websites-1f76593637e8
* Note: From v1.0.0 onwards – Click on download icon/button while pressing Alt / Cmd(for Mac)/ Ctrl(for Windows) because GitHub has stopped downloading of files directly.
* From v3.0.0 onwards, this extension wants webRequest permission so that it can properly handle SPA behavior of GitHub website.
* From v4.0.0 onwards, it support GitHub New Design.
Please check the detailed CHANGELOG – https://github.com/softvar/enhanced-github/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
– It’s open-sourced – https://github.com/softvar/enhanced-github under MIT License
For more updates, please stay tuned!
For any queries/issues – open an issue on https://github.com/softvar/enhanced-github/issues
For any query, drop me an email at varun2902@gmail.com
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