你终于可以直接在你的 Chromebook 或 Chrome 浏览器上开发 Arduino 应用程序了!
更新日期:2019 年 3 月 8 日分类标签:开发者利器平台:没限制
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ChromeDuino 插件简介:
Finally you can develop Arduino applications directly on your Chromebook or in your Chrome browser! Chromeduino features an IDE environment to edit your Arduino sketch, AVRChick to upload your sketches to your Arduino, and a new serial terminal mode that lets you interact with your Arduino. No longer do you need to find a Mac or Windows PC to use your Arduino.
– Full featured IDE text editor
– Load and Save sketches right off your computer
– Interactive terminal mode
– Uploads sketches directly over USB to your Arduino
– No special accounts, access, service fees, etc.
– Works great on Chromebook, chromebox, or any computer with a chrome browser!
Coming soon in next release:
– Library support
– Multi-tab support for includes
– Selectable serial rate and character entry modes
– Examples library
– Better control character support in terminal mode
– Better sketch error reporting
Note: Although Chromeduino was written as an offline application, it does interact with a cloud web service to compile your sketch to a hex file. This service is completely free and transparent, but you must have internet connectivity to compile your sketches. This will change soon once AVR-GCC is ported to JavaScript. If you need an offline method of programming hex files to an Arduino, check out my other application “AVRChick”.
(Developed on a Chromebook for ChromeOS using PureSolid)
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