Email extract

Email extract

这款强大的Email Extractor工具,可以帮助销售、市场营销、招聘和HR专业人士快速有效地从各种来源提取和自动搜索电子邮件地址,轻松建立全面的目标客户邮件列表。


更新日期:2024 年 7 月 19 日分类标签:平台:没限制

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Email extract 插件简介:

Email Extract extension searches email addresses on pages you visit. Auto search mode automates search for emails on search engines.

Email Extractor is a invaluable tool that can help sales and marketing professionals, recruitment agencies and HR professionals, small business owners, researchers, and digital marketers quickly and easily extract email addresses from various sources, automate email search, and build comprehensive email lists to reach out to their target audience more effectively.

🆕 Here’s what’s new in our 2024 Q3-Q4 product update:
* Extract emails from the current page and copy them to your clipboard or save to a CSV file.

* Extract emails from visited pages
* Extract emails from the current page
* Bypass certain obfuscation techniques
* “Auto Search” for major search engine like Google and Bing.
* Export to Excel in XLSX format with proper data types

How to use the extension:
– Once installed, the extension automatically activates the “Email extraction” mode.
– The number of collected emails is displayed over the icon in the browser toolbar.
– Click the “Collected emails” button to access a full-screen page displaying the collected email table.
– Press the “Export” button to retrieve an Excel file.

Please take note: The Email Extractor operates on a freemium model. Premium plan is required to download more than 50 of the latest emails.

“Read and change all your data on all websites”
This extension requires this permission to search for emails within website content as you browse without requiring additional consent.
You have the option to manually adjust this access.
Please note that any emails collected stay on your device and are not sent elsewhere.
For more information, please consult your browser’s documentation:

Email Extract 扩展程序在您浏览的页面上搜索电子邮件地址。自动搜索模式可自动在搜索引擎上搜索电子邮件。

Email Extractor 是一款极其有价值的工具,可以帮助销售和营销专业人员、招聘机构和人力资源专业人员、小企业主、研究人员和数字营销人员快速轻松地从各种来源提取电子邮件地址,自动化电子邮件搜索,并建立全面的电子邮件列表,以更有效地接触到他们的目标受众。

以下是我们 2023 年第三季度产品更新的新功能:
* 支持登录到其他基于 Chromium 的浏览器,如 Opera 和 Brave。
* 与电子邮件/密码账户兼容,不仅仅是 Google 账户。
* 浏览器重启后,“自动搜索”选项现在将被禁用。
* 增强了对无效电子邮件的过滤。
* 引入新的选项:“清除黑名单”和“注销”。

* 从访问过的页面提取电子邮件
* 绕过某些混淆技术
* 对 Google 和 Bing 等主要搜索引擎进行“自动搜索”。
* 以正确的数据类型以 XLSX 格式导出到 Excel

– 一旦安装,扩展程序会自动激活“电子邮件提取”模式。
– 收集到的电子邮件数量将显示在浏览器工具栏的图标上。
– 点击“收集到的电子邮件”按钮,可以访问一个全屏页面,显示收集到的电子邮件表。
– 按下“导出”按钮,可以获取一个 Excel 文件。

请注意:Email Extractor 采用免费增值模型。如果要下载超过 50 封最新的电子邮件,需要购买许可证。

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